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1/2 - 1 gallon buttermilk 1 large colander
1 large Pyrex form with lid or any other form with lid 1 cheesecloth or plain linnen
Pour the buttermilk in oven proof form, cover with lid and put into oven overnight at lowest temperature (150 F). Next morning line the colander with cloth and pour the lumpy buttermilk into it. Cover with the ends of the cloth and let drain in sink for about 6 hours.  This process can be speed up by putting a bowl filled with water on top. This instruction will make 1/4-1/2 lbs of quark
Cream Milk mixure:  Used to make Sahnequark. Add to every 4 cups of buttermilk 1/2 cup of heavy cream.
Tip:  If Quark is too dry, add milk, half-and-half, or cream.
Variation:  To get a creamy Quark (Sahnequark) make sure that your Quark is very dry, and then add heavy cream to it, or start Quark with cream milk mixture.
To make a dessert, sweeten the Quark, whip heavy cream and stirr under.